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The Jon Gordon Podcast

Sep 25, 2022

Everyone has the opportunity to reinvent themselves. Craig Siegel is living proof of this, and his journey from working on Wall Street to being a keynote speaker and performance coach is truly remarkable. On this episode of Positive U, Jon and Craig take a closer look at how you can reinvent yourself and ask yourself...

Sep 18, 2022

When you think about it, we are all sales people. Everyday we pitch ideas to others in hopes of getting them to buy in, whether this is in work, or with your family and friends. Regarded as the number one sales person in the world, Jeb Blount has become very successful in recognizing that in order to be a successful...

Sep 9, 2022

Being an NFL kicker is one of the most high-pressure jobs in the world. Nate Kaeding knows this from experience, after a very long and successful career kicking for the Chargers. On this episode of Positive University, Jon and Nate discuss how to handle pressure, learn from failure, and focus on being consistent through...